This update for Tomb Raider II Macintosh fixes several bugs and has some extra troubleshooting tips. To install the update, run the "Tomb Raider II 1.0.2 Updater" and select your Tomb Raider II application, then run the "TR II Setup 1.0.2 Updater" and select your Tomb Raider II Setup application. If you have trouble with the updates, re-install your game from the original CD and then update the applications.
If you have been having any trouble with Tomb Raider II crashing or acting strange, throw away the "Tomb Raider II Preferences" file in the Preferences folder in your System folder.
Fixes for 1.0.2
- RAVE detection is more forgiving, this should stop problems with the game only recognizing RAVE cards the first time you play.
- Crashes when switching out to the Finder while playing in RAVE are fixed.
- A option to set the monitor refresh rate in RAVE mode has been added to the Setup application. This allows selection of higher resolutions that aren't normally recognized by DrawSprocket.
Fixes for 1.0.1
- RAVE detection on multiple monitor systems now works properly.
- A couple minor RAVE bugs have been fixed.
- Some keys previously ignored in the keyboard config (most noticeably 'O') now work.
- You may now copy the contents of the "Sounds" folder from the CD into your Tomb Raider II folder on your hard disk for better performance/stability.
- 512x384 is no longer a default game resolution setting when the game first runs.
- Workarounds for problems with the game crashing when Lara dies or a movie plays are listed below.
Game crashes when Lara dies or when saving a game- Copy the "Data" folder from the CD into your Tomb Raider II folder on your hard disk, and then either turn off music by setting the volume to zero (select the personal stereo icon from the main menu, then set the number next to the muscial note icon to zero), OR copy the contents of the "Sounds" folder on the CD into the "Sounds" folder in your Tomb Raider II folder on your hard disk. Be sure not to replace the sounds already installed in the Sounds folder in your Tomb Raider II folder.
Game crashes after copyright screen or after playing a movie- Check the game resoultion setting in the Graphics section of the Tomb Raider II Setup application. If it is set to 512x384, try changing it to 640x480.
Game pauses every few seconds- Either turn off music by setting the volume to zero (select the personal stereo icon from the main menu, then set the number next to the muscial note icon to zero), OR copy the contents of the "Sounds" folder on the CD into the "Sounds" folder in your Tomb Raider II folder on your hard disk. Be sure not to replace the sounds already installed in the Sounds folder in your Tomb Raider II folder.
Powerbook users- Movies may play back with better quality (no horizontal bands of black) if you turn off Line Skipping in the Graphics section of the Tomb Raider II Setup application.
DrawSprocket/InputSprocket - If you get an error message about Tomb Raider II requiring DrawSprocket or InputSprocket, run the original Tomb Raider II Installer from the CD. This will install the necessary Sprockets files for the game to run. If the error message continues, try setting alternate game resolutions under Graphics in the Setup application.